Twingo In The PM
Twingo In The PM Details
Bingo Session 75 Ball USA
Status Completed
Start Time 10/31/24 21:00:00
Price 100.00
Total Game Sets Unlimited
Sets per Purchase 1
Max Sets per Player 5
Purchase Cards No
Total Prize 121,800.00
Total Awarded 121,800.00
Duration 01:05:50
Description Twingo In the PM 100 x 5 Generator Choose's 2b's 2i's 2n's 2'g's and 2 o's. First person to get all numbers out wins- Will enter #s as called until we have a winner. Rounds and Amounts based on Buy-Ins. No Refunds. Splits to profiles. Good luck!!!
Winner Info
Round 1: gladys1
Round 2: valann19576
Round 3: mish66
Round 4: don13122
Round 5: MimiLeblanc, qprsteve
Round 6: panpeach, tlasure02, fab5
Round 7: Frygal
Round 8: chickenbutt
Round 9: di63, kaelyn1616
Round 10: donnapeloquin94
Bingo GameIds
Round 1: 23031266
Round 2: 23031291
Round 3: 23031306
Round 4: 23031325
Round 5: 23031342
Round 6: 23031362
Round 7: 23031381
Round 8: 23031399
Round 9: 23031417
Round 10: 23031442