starbright2's profile
  • Profile Pic
    starbright2 ♀
  • VIP
  • Online Status
  • Birthday
    February 2
    🎂 🎁
  • Country
    United Kingdom
    United Kingdom
  • About Me I am who I am. I’m wheelchair dependent, we all have problems but I enjoy life to the best I can. I’m happy go lucky & smiling alit
  • Favourie TV Show Don’t watch tv
  • Biggest Jackpot: 14k along time ago
  • Interests: Bingo, reading, spending time with my family, music
  • Favorite Quote: Whatever
  • Music: Music, love 80s rock
  • Movies: Nothing horror
  • Books: True stories & romance
  • Pets: All passed now 🥲
  • Zodiac: aquarius
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