yuvoner's profile
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    yuvoner ♀
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  • Birthday
    July 13
    🎂 🎁
  • Country
    United States
    United States
  • Real Name: Yuvone Raines
  • Location: North Carolina
  • About Me I am a very laid back person, very friendly, enjoy talking to people. Love working with children and helped many to attend College in order to be successful.
  • Favourie TV Show Only watch news
  • Biggest Jackpot: 6k
  • Interests: Reading, playing bingo and exercising. I love working with people and making a difference in their lives.
  • Favorite Quote: Oh shucks
  • Music: Any kind of music, don't like rap music.
  • Movies: No interest
  • Books: Novels
  • Children: 3 children 2 boys, 1 girl and all born on the 28th but different months.
  • Pets: Yes, Boss
  • Zodiac: cancer
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